Sunday, 26 October 2014

30 Things We Learned From The Book 168 Hours; You Have More Time Than You Think

1. If you love what you do u will have more energy to do it for the rest of your life
2. Most of the activities/task we do are repetitive in every 168hours, this means u can plan and manage time efficiently.
3. Get Rid of non core competency work
4. Control your calendar
5. You can spend time with your children doing things you love together
6. Its better to do one thing at a time
7. We spend a lot of our 168 hours working, so being in the right job matters. To find out if you’re in the right job, ask yourself these questions:
Does my job tap into my intrinsic motivations (things I loved as a kid or would do for free)?
Does my job give me a reasonable amount of autonomy?
Am I chalenged regularly to the extent of my abilities?
Do my work environment, organization, and coworkers encourage my best work?
If the answer is “no” to any of these four questions, what can I change? In the next week? In the next year? Can I create the right job within my organization? Another organization? Or wil I need to go out on my own?
8. To know you are in the right job you should ask yourself if someone propositions you millions of dollars in exchange for your job will you take it?
9. If you don’t have the space for something, then be honest about it and either don’t make the commitment or agree to a more reasonable time frame
10. You can compress time spent on non-core-competency activities with a three-part strategy:
Ignore it,
Minimize it, or
Outsource it
11. Life  management and productivity depends much on time management.
12. One thing to keep in mind is that entrepreneurship need not mean borrowing huge sums of money to start a high-tech giant.
13. Regardless your a woman or a man you can be the best at your career and the best parent at the same time only by managing your 168hrs.
14. Everything that I do, every minute I spend is my choice. When you focus on what you do best, on what brings you the most satisfaction, there is plenty of space for everything. You can build a big career, you can build a big family. You can fill your life with more abundance than most people think is possible.
15. All of us ,we all have 24hrs in our days and 7 days in our weeks.That comes out 168hrs each week to create the lives we want.
16. Most of people claim that they are busy,overworked or under rested but we don't think about how we want to spend our time and so we spend massive amounts of time on things like Tv, web surfing, house work that give a slight amount of pleasure but do little for our career .   
17. 168hrs these hrs still have to be care full  budgeted  in order to turn the life you have into the life you want.
18. The chances are minimal that some one else will create the perfect job for you, you'll have to invest the hours to design it in an entrepreneurial fashion,whether you're working for someone else or for yourself.
19. Creating the right job is the first step to using the hours for work in the most effective way possible
20. When you say “I don’t have time,” this puts the responsibility on someone else: a boss, a client, your family. Or else it puts the responsibility on some nebulous force: capitalism, society, etc
21. The majority of people who claim to be overworkedwork less than they think they do, and many of the ways people work are extraordinarily inefficient. Calling something “work” does not make it important or necessary
22. "You should do what you love"means finding work that matches with with your expertise, your creative thinking skills and your strongest intrinsic motivations.
23. "You should love what you do" means finding environment that will allow you to retain that intrisic motivational focus,while supporting your exploration of new ideas.
24. If you love what you do ,you'll have more energy for the rest of your life too. There is much happiness to be gained by throwing yourself into a meaningful professional pursuit.
25. When make decisions about ur work hours, keep in mind that any work that is not advancing you toward the professional life you want should not count as work. It is wasted time.
26. Changing the work component of your 168hrs into something that looks closer to the ideal than it currently does. There is four parts Process for doing this: seize control of your schedule, do not mistake things that look like work for actual work, get rid of non-core competency task by ignoring, minimizing or out sourcing them, boost efficiency by getting better at what you do.
27. Part of being effective during the hrs you choose to work is developing the discipline to spend real time on whats important.
28. If you want to use your 168hrs effectively,once you make a commitment to urself to spend a certain number of hours on task, keep it. Never miss a deadline.
29.  The truth is that any existing job description has been conceived of by someone else. Expecting someone else to have conceived of your perfect job is roughly similar to expecting someone else to read your mind. It’s better to build your career with the idea that you will always be responsible for creating the right job for each stage of your life, whether you work for someone else or on your own.
30. If you want to use your 168 hours effectivelly and productive, start behaving the best you can, think of your time as a wealthiest thing in life. Much of life is how you frame it. DO WHAT U LOVE AND MONEY WILL FOLLOW.

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